Tony Katz Today
The Official Podcast for Tony Katz Today
Episodes and Blog Entries
Episode 330: Progressives Don't Care That Putin Is Interfering in 2020 Election
Episode | February 21st, 2020 | 7 mins 37 secs
A recent report from the Director of National Intelligence stated that Russia and Vladimir Putin intend to meddle in the 2020 presidential election. Democrats can complain all they want, but Tony Katz says that until they are serious about stopping Putin, then it's just meaningless words
Episode 329: Mike Bloomberg Got Punched in The Face
Episode | February 20th, 2020 | 16 mins 42 secs
BRUTALITY! Mike Bloomberg made the catastrophic mistake of participating in the debate. Just as Tony Katz predicted, he was punched square in the mouth.
Joe Rogan Supports Bernie Sanders, Bernie Bros. Angry
Episode | February 18th, 2020 | 4 mins 12 secs
Joe Rogan says Bernie Sanders is consistent, so Joe will support him. Shame that Bernie Bros. don't want his support. More great radio from Tony Katz Today.
California Do-Goodery Says Your Kids Can Only Drink Milk or Water
Episode | February 18th, 2020 | 3 mins 53 secs
California is trying to save your kids, by dictating what they can and can not eat. And parents are going along with it. A great segment from Tony Katz Today radio.
Connecticut High School Girls Sue To Stop Transgender Athletes From Competing Against Them
Episode | February 18th, 2020 | 4 mins 10 secs
Connecticut High School Girls sue the state to prevent transgender athletes from unfair competition. From the radio program Tony Katz Today.
Episode 328: It's Embarrassing To Hear Stacey Abrams Talk About Electoral College
Episode | February 18th, 2020 | 15 mins 35 secs
Touted as a possible Vice President, Stacey Abrams appeared on the View to explain why the electoral college is racist and classist. Tony Katz takes a dive through history explains exactly why Abrams is completely incorrect.
Episode 327: Mike Bloomberg Doesn't Recognize Value in Farmers
Episode | February 17th, 2020 | 11 mins
In a newly released audio clip, Presidential candidate, Mike Bloomberg is telling an audience that farming is an easy job that anyone can do. The depths to which this statement is incorrect cannot be stated in one segment, but Tony Katz gives it his best shot
Episode 326: The Importance of School Shooting Drills
Episode | February 13th, 2020 | 7 mins 1 sec
Parents are saying their children are being traumatized by school shooting drills. Tony Katz takes a look at this growing concern among parents and what the appropriate response is and how we should handle school shooting drills
Episode 325: Tony Speaks With New Hampshire Voters on Primary Day
Episode | February 11th, 2020 | 15 mins 51 secs
Tony Katz is spending the day in New Hampshire for the primary. While on radio row, Tony got to speak with a couple voters. He got the inside scoop on what voters are thinking
Episode 324: Katz Speaks to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
Episode | February 10th, 2020 | 6 mins 44 secs
Tony Katz is in New Hampshire for the 2nd Democratic primary. While there, he got a chance to sit down with Rep. Gabbard. While she is not on the debate stage, she hasn't given up her run for President. Katz speaks to her about that as well as how a Gabbard Presidency would handle national security issues
Episode 323: The Controversy in Iowa Opens The Door For A Contested Convention
Episode | February 7th, 2020 | 13 mins 30 secs
There's something fishy going on in Iowa. The results of the Democratic Caucus has left some scratching their heads. Tony Katz presents a scenario where doubts about the results in Iowa snowball all the way to Milwaukee for the Democratic National Convention
Episode 322: We Shouldn't Be Flippant With China's Coronavirus Problem
Episode | February 7th, 2020 | 9 mins 37 secs
Don't trust China. Don't trust them on anything, but especially their reporting on Coronavirus. The communist country has a history of manufacturing numbers and Tony Katz suspects something similar is happening with their reporting on Coronavirus cases in the country. We should take this seriously, because lives are at stake
Episode 321: Katz: Pelosi Is A Broken Woman
Episode | February 7th, 2020 | 15 mins 39 secs
Nancy Pelosi took to the podium and unleashed a tirade about Trump's State of the Union speech as well as his acquittal in the impeachment trial. Pelosi sounded beat down and bitter during her speech. Tony Katz takes a look back at her last several years, and several failures and concludes she is a broken women
Episode 320: Untitled Episode
Episode | February 6th, 2020 | 16 mins 36 secs
Without a ticket to the State of The Union, Tony Katz decided to watch the proceedings at the Trump International Hotel in D.C. It was a one of a kind experience that you have to hear about
Episode 319: Impeachment Has Become The 3rd Biggest Story in America
Episode | February 4th, 2020 | 16 mins 39 secs
The disaster in Iowa and the state of the union have overshadowed the impeachment trial, but Tony Katz is still keeping track of everything that is going on. With their political lives on the line, the Democrats are grasping at anything to save them from this optic disaster
Episode 318: The Reaction to Rush Limbaugh's Cancer Diagnosis Is Disgusting
Episode | February 4th, 2020 | 5 mins 34 secs